The Queen Is Dead - Kate Locke This review also posted at A Bookish Compulsion

Second books often either expand upon the genius of a first work or bury it; I am happy to be able to say that The Queen is Dead did not dig its own grave but rather marked yet another stunningly original and creative journey into The Immortal Empire.

Picking up two months after the ending of God Save the Queen this book was an amazingly fun ride from page one. Addressing all of the loose ends left in the first book, this story had amazing range covering political intrigue in such a way as to make it light and relatable while still having enough action and personal growth to feel grounded. I was thoroughly immersed in the world that Ms. Locke created and unlike the Machiavellian density of many political dramas found the world-building in this story to encompass tensions between races and political parties without being defined by them.

I love the characters in this series. That this story allowed for Xandy to experience a realistic degree of trepidation for change without devolving into a whiny irritant was a balancing act I don’t often see and one that was done brilliantly. Vex is truly my hero; it is so nice to see immortality depicted with a gaining of maturity instead of angst; that he is almost too good to be true adds an edge that I enjoyed reading. As far as memorable side characters go, it would be hard to beat Penny Dreadful. Colorful personified she is a joy to experience.

All told, this series to date it the total package: Fun characters, intriguing plot-lines and a world that takes on a life of its own. The only criticism I have is that I will have to wait so long for the next installment.

I could give The Queen is Dead nothing less than five stars.